Thanks for your interest.
1 hour static web page development
You will get:
1 hour of development time
email report
project snapshot
1 hour development: The developer will spend 1 hour implementing the project points previously discussed
email report: will describe what was accomplished during the development time as well as have general comments from the developer
project snapshot: for static web page projects, you’ll receive a zip file containing the latest copy of the site. it will consist of html files, stylesheets, scripts, and graphics. you will be able to upload this to your own web host.
Delivery time: within 48 hours
Clients get free consultation and meetings
delivery time: up to 48 hours
Transparent process
I make use of commercial third party assets in which their licenses prohibit me from redistributing source files. If you need the source because you want to be able to build the project yourself, I can clone your project, then remove the third party assets. Then I can transfer the “clean” cloned project source to you. This is going to cost many development hours depending on the size of the project.